Saturday, January 14, 2012


Sankranti-Pongal Special

19X 19 dots. This Rangoli has, Pongali pots, Gobbillu, Sugar canes, kites, sweets lamps and Rangolis. This is all what the festival of Sankranti or Pongal is about. Hope you like it. Watch out for more....

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Peggy in KY USA said...

Thank you, Ms Sharma!! I have recently begun embroidery again after many years. Your Rangoli designs are perfect for me to practice stitching! I have always been fascinated with Indian designs and your Rangoli posts have made it possible for me to see the simple shapes that form the most complex designs! Thank you again! I do not have a website, but I will send you photos of my work if that is okay with you? Thank you again for sharing your knowledge, Peggy in KY

gwl said...

nice rangoli.

Ms Sharma said...

Thank you friends.

Peggy Thanks a lot. Yes I would love to feature your works. I have been wanting to try some of these designs in embroidery too. But I don't get much time.

Please do share your work. It will motivate not only me but others too. Thanks a lot. Looking forward to your work..

Ramya said...

This is really creative and beautiful. The essence of Pongalis beautifully reflected.